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Nope. Ain't doing that. Never had to do that before.

When you pray aloud to God with your spouse, it places God at the head of your marriage and grows your marital trinity with Him.

Pray aloud with your spouse: What's Happening

Letter from a friend ...

"My wife asked me to pray with her probably a week after we both asked Jesus to be our Lord and Savior.

Answer: "Nope. Ain't doing that. Never had to do that before."


After she prayed to God to soften my heart she gave it up to Him after 20 years of enduring my resistance.

During that time it was difficult to count the number of times on the radio or TV there would be a clip of some chucklehead talking about praying with their spouse. The nerve of them.


As time passed, I realized after 29 years of marriage we weren't growing and something seemed to be missing. It was job #1 for me to find out how to get her fixed. She had a problem only God could fix, so I turned to the Bible and prayer to find the answers.


Long story short
After much research, the problem was discovered and resolved!
It was made easy since my wife didn't have to change a thing.

Pray aloud with your spouse


I sought God's guidance through His Word and God made clear what I needed to do and am so grateful for God's mercy that my days on this earth did not end before I changed to experience God's strength in our marital trinity."

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