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Holy is the Lord


Spiritually-born believers comprise the body of Christ. The body of Christ is the church, both locally and the saved multitudes from every nation. “Church” is not a building. We don’t “go to church”, we go to a building and gather locally with the church to pray, praise, glorify and worship our Holy Lord and Saviour. The pastor shepherds the flock, and as members grow in faith and knowledge, they serve. God wants all believers to build up, teach and strengthen each other through the local body. (Read related blog about "church")

Finding a good local church can be challenging. Start by looking for:

  1. Evidence of soul-winning (Acts 2:46-47)

  2. Leadership that teaches from the King James Holy Bible as the infallible guide for life

  3. Leadership who encourages reading, studying, meditating on God’s Word (2Tim.2:15, 1Thes.2:13, Psalms 1:1-2)

  4. Leadership who prays for guidance, along with church who prays for leaders and one another (James 5:16, Gal. 6:2, Acts 20:28)

  5. Observance of baptism and Lord’s Supper (John 3:2-8, Matt.26:26-29)

  6. Ministry to needs of other believers (Phil.2:3-4) and sharing the gospel (Acts 1:8)

  7. Support of missionaries (Matt. 28:19-20, Luke 10:1-2)

Many local churches in America today have become large and impersonal, offering programs whose purpose is to attract members instead of spreading the gospel (did Jesus offer "programs"?). Pastors are treated as celebrities (instead of Jesus being glorified) and some even micromanage instead of trusting God (or those God has also placed to serve in local leadership) to take care of things. Man is fallible but Holy is the Lord.

Some warning signs that you may not be at a biblical church of God are if you answer “No” to any of the Points #1-7 above; if the pastor is being subtly elevated above that of Jesus (including dimly lit auditorium with spotlight on podium) and/or if there is no personal interaction with him; if doctrine other than God’s Word is used as authority; if questions about the sermons or lessons are not welcomed; or if a “denomination” is considered the only true “church”. What did / would Jesus do?

Stay tuned for our upcoming message about the role of a pastor.

#HolyIsTheLord#ChrisTomlin #LouieGiglio #Christian #Gospel #ChristianMusic #Jesus #Savior #God #Bible #inspirational #salvation #JesusMatters @VBS4ever
Daily Bible Message linked to Christian Music
#HolyIsTheLord#ChrisTomlin #LouieGiglio #Christian #Gospel #ChristianMusic #Jesus #Savior #God #Bible #inspirational #salvation #JesusMatters @VBS4ever
“Holy is the Lord”

Artist: Chris Tomlin

Writers: Louie Giglio, Chris Tomlin

#HolyIsTheLord#ChrisTomlin #LouieGiglio #Christian #Gospel #ChristianMusic #Jesus #Savior #God #Bible #inspirational #salvation #JesusMatters @VBS4ever

#HolyIsTheLord#ChrisTomlin #LouieGiglio #Christian #Gospel #ChristianMusic #Jesus #Savior #God #Bible #inspirational #salvation #JesusMatters @VBS4ever
"Holy is the Lord" by Chris Tomlin

#HolyIsTheLord#ChrisTomlin #LouieGiglio #Christian #Gospel #ChristianMusic #Jesus #Savior #God #Bible #inspirational #salvation #JesusMatters @VBS4ever


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