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Nov 11, 20242 min read
Our Authority
Almighty God is our Authority and High Power. He established the government and appointed our founding fathers to write our country's...

Oct 10, 20242 min read
The word “joy” appears in the Bible over 155 times (not including “joyful” and “joyous”). There’s a difference between happiness and...

Nov 11, 20222 min read
High Power
Almighty God is our Authority and High Power. He established the government and appointed our founding fathers to write our country's...

Oct 24, 20222 min read
Faithful Through It All
There’s a verse in the Bible that tells us to thank God for every thing. EVERY thing. 1Thessalonians 5:18 - “In every thing give thanks:...

Jul 18, 20222 min read
I Give Myself Away
Do we have to pray before a meal? No. However, in the course of a typical day, we have many opportunities to connect with God to thank...

Mar 11, 20222 min read
Nowhere to Somewhere
Are you living in a ‘nowhere town’, full of sin, guilt and sorrow? There’s always a story in a nowhere town. But there is more to life...

Jan 4, 20222 min read
The Best is Yet to Come
God’s Word tells us to run this worldly race with patience, and that He will be there for us when we fall or lose hope. He says He’ll...

Jan 3, 20222 min read
When We Speak the Name
Jesus. What is it about the name of Jesus? Here are just a few things about our exalted Saviour’s name: There is salvation in the Name of...

Jan 1, 20222 min read
My Resolution
It’s that time of year when many people resolve to make a change, to do something new in the coming year. Some vow to lose weight or quit...

Dec 31, 20212 min read
Jesus Matters
When all is said and done, Jesus is the ONLY ONE Who matters. Without Him, there would be nothing. He is The Word, The Great I AM. So for...

Dec 30, 20213 min read
If Not Us, Then Who?
Look around you. We are living in a world of brokenness. People are living joyless, hopeless lives. Sin and immorality are everywhere. So...

Dec 29, 20212 min read
I Can Only Imagine 2
Today, find a quiet moment and sit down, close your eyes and imagine … imagine meeting Jesus face-to-face! Imagine the splendor of...

Dec 28, 20212 min read
Standing on His Truth
You’ve heard it said, ‘You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.’ The Bible tells us to put on the whole armour of...

Dec 27, 20212 min read
Mary Had a KING-size Lamb
The little nursery rhyme song, “Mary Had a Little Lamb” has a worldly story behind it. Most of us are familiar with the song and have...

Nov 12, 20212 min read
That’s What I Know
Christ-followers have two natures: the new nature=after being saved (spiritual), and the old nature= before salvation (physical,...

Nov 11, 20212 min read
Wave On, Ole Glory
Almighty God is our Authority and High Power. He established the government and appointed our founding fathers to write our country's...

Nov 10, 20213 min read
The Dash
When you leave this earth, how will you be remembered? Will your life have made a difference? More importantly, will your life have made...

Nov 9, 20213 min read
Jesus & John Wayne
Were you raised knowing Jesus and in a good church family? If so, what a blessing! Some folks have never heard the name of Jesus or...

Nov 8, 20212 min read
It Starts Right Here
When you hear the word “church”, what comes to mind? Is it the place people go to, mostly on Sunday mornings, to gather in the name of...

Nov 7, 20212 min read
Word of God Speak
Many people today do not understand the significance of God’s Word. There are numerous “versions” of so-called bibles, but there is only...
Daily message: Blog2
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